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In my sustained investigation, I wanted to explore how pollution visually affects our views of the natural world. 


I started my investigation by creating pieces with normal colors and patterns but also used materials like plastic and newspaper to show case pollution in my work. At first, I wanted to capture how our everyday ecosystems are suffering from the effects of climate change driven by pollution caused by industry (pieces 1-2). But, as my exploration progressed, I dove deeper into what I wanted to show in my art. I started to add patterns and funky shapes to the ecosystems or animals to show that pollution and nature have been forced together for so long that they’ve become one (pieces 3-6). Then I started to concentrate on my everyday views from my back porch which faces the Hudson River, to Upstate NY, and hikes around my community. I began to create art that embodies how we have normalized the fact that pollution surrounds us and is part of our everyday views. I used strong colors and patterns to showcase how the ecosystems we see every day are affected by pollution.(pieces 7-10).

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